On the 28th of November the Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a networking event in Aberdeen to encourage the adoption of Circular Economy ideals throughout the North East.

Our Environmental Director Ray Grant and Marketing Manager Claire Sim are both excited to have been asked to attend. The event will provide a superb opportunity for John Lawrie to share their passion for the Circular Economy with like minded people and discuss how the Group are able to support repurposing and reuse goals across industry.

Claire said, “We’re delighted to have the opportunity to join Terri [Vogt] and her team at the event. We’ve worked closely with AGCC over the last few months and provided footage for their recent video. It will be good to get the chance to talk to a diverse range of local businesses and individuals from different markets and sectors who share our ideals to see how we can all work together in making Aberdeen a centre for Circular Economy thinking.”

Explore the Circular Economy and keep an eye out for John Lawrie Tubulars in this video from AGCC.

Circular North East is an initiative run by the AGCC for the soul purpose of inspiring circular strategies across the North-east of Scotland. Find out more about their goals here:


Join us at the Circular Economy Event by booking your place here:
